
Adams, John H. Lieutenant363 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Anderson, Robert1464 viewsDetective Bureau

Anderson, Robert1071 viewsInformation

Anderson, William Joseph1086 viewsInformation

Anderson, William Joseph1246 viewsSecond Precinct

Ashley, Ernest Lieutenant288 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Beattie, Artemas L.1098 viewsFirst Precinct

Bell, John S. Chief309 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Bradley, Capt. James Aloysious (center)787 viewsPhoto from Joey Thomas Jr.

Bradley, Joseph P. (Professor)860 viewsPhoto from Joey Thomas Jr.

Brex, Deputy Chief Frank293 viewsDeputy Chief Frank Brex Newark PD on the right working on the Lindbergh Kidnapping
Photo from Kurt Ebler

Brex, Frank1263 viewsDeputy Chief

Brown, John E. Roundsman342 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Burke, John J.377 views1915

Carlin, Owen1218 views~1884

Corbally, Thomas J. Roundsman354 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Corbitt, Michael Captain304 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Davis Jr., George326 viewsOne of the first black police officers for the City of Newark - Photo from Alycia Green (her grandfather)

Davitt Sr., James1017 viewsPhoto from Kathryn Peters

Davitt Sr., James1110 viewsPhoto from Kathryn Peters

Davitt Sr., James1152 viewsPhoto from Kathryn Peters

Davitt Sr., James1152 viewsPhoto from Kathryn Peters

Davitt, James1122 viewsJim & Hilda Davitt with Dan
Photo from Kathryn Peters

Davitt, James1060 viewsPhoto from Kathryn Peters

Dippel, Lt. Daniel996 viewsNewark Police Department from 1862 until he died in 1885
Photo from Claire Logan

Dippel, Lt. Daniel941 views1885 Obituary
Photo from Claire Logan

Donnelly, Martin J.378 viewsMartin J. Donnelly.
Better known to the kids from St. Rose of Lima as Marty The Cop.
He crossed the kids at Orange & Roseville in the '50's
Photo from Brian Donnelly

Dowling, Alfred C. Lieutenant351 views

Edwards, Freeman A. Lieutenant339 views

Fahey, Tom1262 views

Fine, Philip Roundsman422 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Hopper, Henry420 viewsJoined the force as a patrolman in 1878 and was made Police Chief in 1887.
From: "Newark, the Metropolis of New Jersey" Published by the Progress Publishing Co. 1901

Jones, Robert613 viewsRobert J. Jones rose to the rank of Lieutenant in the 8th Precinct and retired in 1931. d. 1934
Photo from Rosemary Kopczynski

Kline, Charles Lieutenant333 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Long, Chief Michael T.414 viewsFrom “George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress)”

Lynch, Matt1352 viewsPhoto from Colleen Wittick

Lynch, Matt Newspaper Article3038 viewsPhoto from Colleen Wittick

MacIntosh, Robert334 viewsThis is my great-grandmother's brother, Alexander Robert MacIntosh born 1894, died 1933, who was (like quite a few in my family) a Newark police officer.
Photo from Susan Hamilton Helber

Marelli, Lt. Robert and Capt. Michael Marelli1787 viewsPhoto from Jule Spohn

McGrath, Charles3184 viewsVailsburg Leader Story

McGrath, Charles1468 viewsFirst Precinct - 1959
Retired Police & Firemen's Association
Book Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

McGrath, Charles1315 viewsFirst Precinct - 1927

McManus, Andrew J. Captain311 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Mockridge, Gurney and Raymond George858 viewsRaymond George Mockridge was a Motor Vehicle Patrolman in the early 1940's. He rose through the ranks and became the last uniformed Chief of Motor Vehicles.
Photo from Nancy Mockridge Dietel

Mockridge, Lewis551 viewsPhoto from Nancy Mockridge Dietel

Murray, Leut. Joseph (right)941 viewsPhoto from Joeys Thomas Jr.

Noll, Louis Roundsman439 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Olson, Adolph426 viewsAdolph Olsson in uniform. He joined on 5-01-1910 and was a Patrolman, 2nd Precinct. He died 4-10-1927
Photo from Linda Volz

Prouf, John W. Lieutenant409 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Ryan, Michael J. Roundsman441 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Stainsby, Benjamin R. Detective Sergeant310 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Stoetzel, William1006 viewsPhoto from Kathryn Peters

Thornton, Edward1098 viewsPhoto from Kathryn Peters

Tighe, John C.1154 viewsNewark Police Dept 1924 to 1945. That is his wife, my Aunt Bea, and their two sons, Jack and Dick, in the backyard of their home here in Newark at 833 Degraw Ave, up here in the North Ward. Judging from the age of the boys I'd say that the photo was taken sometime around 1935. Uncle John was one of the first Newark Police officers with the Motor Cycle Squad; one of the first with the old Emergency Squad, and was the Treasurer of the Newark PBA when he died in 1945.
Photo from Jule Spohn

Tighe, John Cornelius1439 viewsTreasurer of the Newark PBA

Tracy, Thomas Roundsman429 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Ubhaus, John S. Lieutenant285 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Vable, Henry Lieutenant333 views

Veit, Joseph1255 views1947
Standing on McCarter Highway
Photo from Robert Veit

Wilson James (Center)728 viewsPhoto from Edward R. FitzGerald

Wilson, (James F. or Charles)867 viewsJames F. Wilson was temporally appointed 1918, made permanent 1919, and promoted to detective 1921. He died in a car crash in 1924 when a car he was riding in hit the telephone building at 63 Bloomfield Ave.
Photo from Edward R. FitzGerald

Wilson, James801 viewsPhoto from Edward R. FitzGerald